  *                                                                       *
  * learn how to simulate "reality"(elec.circuits) and to play with IoT   *
  * transcoding LCD-driver from C++ to Pascal                             *
  * flashback to old memory limited, like on C64, restricted coding       *
  * "how far can we go in crossplatform ? "				  *
  * compiling of crosscompiler FPC FreePascal and coding your IDE-tool    *
  * ARM+++++                                                              *
  * WebApp : coding IoT - ESP8266 from smartphone in LUA   	          *
  * compairison with Phython-WLAN-tool                                    *
  * "security of scripts in IoT vs. precompiled ? "			  *
  * excurse in nondocumented API and the riscs of system collapse         *
  *                                                                       *
    about : * embeded chrome browser
            * automated JavaScript generation
            * and horizontal JS-injection
            * bulk imagedata processing
            * using GPS from EXIFdata to create
            * interactive ONLINE LeafLet-Map-WebApps (here incl.sim.)
    about : * abusing other script-interpreters like
            * LUAscript, Phython, Java- or Pascal-Script
            * to get USER control about native classes/procs/or..
            * development simulation of complex IoT-structures
    about : * abusing other script-interpreters like
            * LUAscript, Phython, Java- or Pascal-Script
            * to get USER control about ...